Still pinching myself at this point. Chest heavy hard to breath. Oh my goodness gracious, we are in Tulsa my friends. And here is the signage to prove it. Just so you know I was sweating my brains out of my arm pits at this point. Yes, directly out of my pits drooled my brain juices...never to return again.
I'm not happy or anything. I think that expression never left my face the entire weekend. There we are Big D, Dee, Me, and my seestor Carla. As you see we all are sportin some caffeine in our paws. It was an early morning but we are energized!
We attracted some looks in our P-Dub t-shirts. Lots of questions too. Still amazed at how many people do not know who
"The Pioneer Woman" is. She has been on The View for Goodness sake PEOPLE! On our flight out of Grand Rapids, we had lots of questions. "Where are you going" "Why" "What are you going to do there".
Then the flight attendant welcomed us aboard, "We want to welcome the Peee Dooobs aboard our flight this morning. They are headed to Oklahoma to rope calves and ride horses and walk funny."
OK, strange flight attendant lady. Who I might add was THE oldest flight attendant I have ever seen. Thus the mixed up story. Just glad she did not call us the Peee Boobs.
Once we landed and gathered our luggage an Angel appeared from behind the ferns. Isn't he lovely? Adorable, for sure! This was our limo driver Kayle.
I had never ever, not in all my living breathing days been picked up at the airport by a limousine. Then to top it off a smiling driver that was young and hip and actually knew who the Ree Drummond is. FINALLY! Praise the Lord. His wife followers Ree too.
We felt like movie stars. Everyone was rubber neckin' it at us. Us with our P-Dub shirts on. It was CRAZY! Then my son sent me a text and addressed me as Beyonce....ok now that is going a bit too far. Oh MY the poor Kayle, we hit him with our cameras like the paparazzi. I think he thought HE was Beyonce. When he came around the corner we just unloaded on him with our shutters. K-ch, K-ch, K-ch......
Then Kayle assisted us into the limousine. Making us feel like Rock Stars.....little did we know that he himself is a rock star of sorts. You can read all about his adventures on his wife's funny
website. He was so adorable and sweet....and thought nothing of it when our first request was "can you take us to the nearest liquor store".
Oh yeh, BABY we are wild and crazy and ready for some FUN!
Ree was the incredibly thoughtful and sweet....she was worried about us not getting a suitable lunch. So she set it up for us to eat at Bad Brad's in the town of Pawhuska. Pawhuska is the nearest town to the ranch. You could say it's a regular EPA-center. It is hoppin'. Well, at least Brad's is.
Is that not a site to behold. A white stretch limo parked in front of the smoke house at Bad Brad's BBQ in Pawhuska, Oklahoma. Wonder how often that happens....
By the looks we received, I am thinking most likely it has NEVER happened. Our driver was feeling a bit out of place. We invited him to join us. Not that he was unsafe, not that the natives where going to hog tie him or anything.....
We just thought hey, why not. He's cute. And what a shame to have him miss out on some REALLY amazing BBQ!
There we are....NO we did not start with dessert. But that would have been a good idea.
I had myself the pork ribs, potato salad, and sweet beans. One word AMAZING! Oh, and one more word STUFFED! (I was stuffed, couldn't breathe...not sure I have room for cobbler stuffed)
OK, twist my arm. I guess I can savor a morsel or two of Brads famous cobbler. We ordered one in every flavor. Apple, peach, cherry, and blackberry, and we shared. It was perfect. We just needed a lil' sumthin' sa-weet!
Afterwards we stumbled out the front door and Kayle obliged in taking our picture in front of the sign. Brads IS definitely some good eatin! Triple D needs to land itself in Pawhuska. I will have to give my friend Guy a call. (wink)
"Damn Good Eatin" is right. So good Anna had to lie on her side for this picture.
To our good fortune....the liquor store was directly across the street from Brads. My, my imagine that. So some of us thought it best to walk off our meal before setting our but down, afraid that we would not be able to get our 'dairy-ares" up out of the limo...
The Grog Shop. Am I in Germany? Grog...isn't that German? Oh, brain don't fail me now. Nope, I am in Oklahoma, at one of the most interesting little liquor stores I have ever happened upon. Cause you know I happen upon so many.......
I got carded...seriously. With that turkey neck I got carded. I think his eyes were bad. Cataracts or something.
They had some very unusual things in the Grog. Whipped Lightening....hmmmm....very interesting. We did not buy it. But somehow it did end up at the Lodge. I am not going to disclose who brought it to the Lodge. I wouldn't want to ruin Ree's reputation or anything. OOps....did I just say Ree....I definitely meant Dee. Dee's reputation.
Kayle has his eyes on the road....we are on our way now. Fat, dumb and happy. Speaking for myself....of course. The rest of the gals were just happy...happy as clams in butter.
There it is Ree's driveway...or road. Whatever.....
It's long.
Very long. Like good thing it doesn't snow to much down here cause I wouldn't want to have to plow it. This was just the first stretch. We took a right turn and drove for another few....past the wild mustangs. That is a post all for itself...the horseys.
Thar she is! Waiting for us! AT THE LODGE. Pinch, pinch....OUCH! That hurt. I guess I am not dreaming. I do feel a little faint though. Ears are pounding...mouth dry...pits wet....."ring O fire".
Isn't she lovely? This is just the beginning. I hope I don't completely and utterly bore you to DEATH with my pictures and blather...I just want to share...share...share it ALL.
You know I luv ya!