I know, I have been blathering on and hinting about doing something different for way too long. I think I maybe lost some of you in the mumbo jumbo. Huh, wah? What's she doin? Why? I've recieved a few emails wondering why I was not going to blog anymore....."did I say that"? I could tell by the reception I recieved by some when tellling them, they were confused as to why I would want to leave Strawberry CAKE behind and completely change things up.
Here's why:
Although I love me some Strawberry Cake, and I do make a good one. LuvStrawberryCAKE did not say anything about who I am. I found out, that a gagillion people have the same Strawberry Cake recipe, it's not exclusively a secret family recipe....I thought it was, but it's not. Shot through the heart. MmmHmmm, so "I'm not so spacial after all".....!
It also seemed that people thought I was a baking blog. I like to bake, but that is not what I am all about either.
The look of my blog, although I loved it at first, really doesn't reflect my style.
I was getting antsy. I wanted people at a glance, because that's what most people do is just glance at your blog and NEVER come back, to know more about me. I still really like my old tag line "one moms recipe for enjoying life"......it does say what my blog is for me, it's my way of doing what I love writing about things I love.....family, food, and just plain being a nutball!
At lunch one day my good friend Dee asked me "what's your passion?" It only took me a few seconds to spew out what my passion is. Getting family and friends around the table together. It is extremely important to our family, and a ritual Ken and I believe is essential to successful family life. "Then that is what your new site should reflect right away when people stop by", she said. Hmmmmm but what to name it......
OH GOOD GOLLY! I started writing down every thought or word that came into my head, filling pages with blog names. One day in the car I had my third child writing things down like a mad man, as I rifled names and sayings out at him. (The car is my thinking place. Often I wish I had a machine that would record my thoughts for writing as I drive, I do jot things down, but it never seems as good as when I initially thought it on the road.)
Eat 2gather seemed to stick. It related my passion, eating together with others, inspiring others to also gather together around their tables. And the idea that we gather not just to eat, but for the greater purpose of enjoying each others company sharing food, laughter, and fellowship with those we love. We are not just eating together, but we are eating to gather.....get it? Even though our world has become so fast paced and non-relational it is more important than ever for us to gather around the table with our family and friends and break bread. So my play on words with 2gather is a nod to our societies quick responses to each other through texting, facebook, twitter, and the like!
I want to thank Luke from Codify who was crazy patient with me through this process, and Robin from Smith Design for her keen creative eye and great design work. And Andrea! I can't forget Andrea from La Vita e' Belle Photography for gazillion pictures she had to take to get one half way decent picture of my mug. Kenny, you know I love ya, thanks for being so supportive of my hobby.
So this is it. The LAST post on Strawberry CAKE. Oh did I tell you ALL my content from here is there too! Yes so you can find everything at Eat2gather.net
I LUV ya all 2 MUCH!
Hope to see you on the other side....