January 15, 2010


Every day something is missing around here. No where to be found these things. Socks, belts, shirts, sweatshirts, library books, can openers, spatulas.....YES I did say can openers and spatulas! I know how does one loose a can opener that they received for a wedding gift 15+ years ago, or spatulas. I don't know!! I have played the good cop, bad cop regarding these last missing articles. Sat each child down and asked them when the last time was they saw them, "did you use the can opener for something in your bedroom, if you did I won't be mad, I just want it back". Blank stares....no ones talking. They are probably thinking "mom has really lost it this time..." And they are right, I am just not sure where I put it...IT being most everything. I am really, truly a fairly organized person. Really...usually if I slow down take some deep breaths, say a prayer,(Prayers usually come, when I can't find keys or my purse! The big stuff.) I can figure it out, but not this time. And, the crazy thing is I can't really even put my finger on when they went missing.

While we are on the topic of MISSING. Some of you brought to my attention that I left an ingredient out of the Marmalade Muffins...SORRY...my BAD. I did correct it. I put 2 cups of flour, then 1 cup of flour after that in the ingredient list. So if any of you out there can read my mind then you figured out the 1 cup of flour should have been 1 cup of buttermilk. Hey, what can I say I lost my editor!

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  1. I would offer to edit for you but I am actually busy promoting and marketing this really cool blog...have I told you about it....if you leave a comment on her post you are entered into a drawing for a fabulous PW signed copy cookbook! Check it out @


  2. Hey Sheila... I did it... Yeah...Now make something so I can comment on it!!!

  3. Who was your editor?? Or are you just joshin' us.

  4. Don't know where your can opener is, but do I get my name entered into this way cool drawing if I actually make one of the recipes??? The chicken spaghetti is in the oven and smelling really good. So..... maybe I need this PW Cookbook! Thanks Sheila! Hope you find your can opener!

  5. Missing...that is my life too...I can totally relate! Mamma Tollee!

  6. I could arrange an editor. Can't arrange an even close second to your original recipies. Any of them.

  7. I have not stopped eating the rolls, These rolls are fabulous, honestly. Not interested in cooking but am
    interested in eating my way through.

  8. Rumor was that my husband, Mike, made the blog! So I got on and did some catching up. Yep, that's got to be him, the funny guy!
    And hey, you are allowed some mistakes...it make you real! That's why we love you!
